voice slot

英 [vɔɪs slɒt] 美 [vɔɪs slɑːt]




  1. The scheme proposed in this thesis predigests voice-processing policy and the mechanism designed ensures accurate and real-time connection of voice data in slot time.
  2. This paper put forward an idea that use a voice data multiplexing equipment pulls through the EI transmission channels over the leased lines for splitting and re-used slot to provide Ethernet interface, anti-polar accounting functions, calling number display functions and RS232 data channel.
  3. By running this mechanism, system can accurately control the cross-connection of voice data in time slot and dynamically regulate voice jitter-delay so the complexity of system and time delay of data processing are efficiently reduced.
  4. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces dropout rate of voice and loss rate of data packet and raise the resource utilization of the time slot and the performance of system.
  5. FPGA should not only implement the voice slot switch function, but also communicates with the interface module, caller-ID analyzing module and controlling module.